
The Terms of Habitation: Re-Theorizing the Architecture of Housing, IIAS Jerusalem and Technion Haifa, April 20-23, 2019.

Re-Theorizing Housing conference, Technion 27-30.11, 2019

Invited papers

International Conferences

  1. Allweil, Y., “Geddes and Feminist Planning in Tel Aviv”, Bauhaus Centennial 1919-2019, Moscow State Center for Contemporary Art (ГЦСИ), Moscow, November 2019.
  2. Allweil, Y., and Alexandowicz, O., “Automated Semantic Interpretation of Architectural Digital Imagery: Writing and Rewriting Postmodern Tel Aviv-Jaffa Architectural History”, (De)constructing Digital History, Lille, November 2017.

Invited University Lectures, International

  1. Allweil, Y., “An Architectural History of Housing in Israel-Palestine, 1860-2011”, Saivetz Guest Lectureship, Brandies University, Boston, March 2020. Hosted by Professor Muna Guvenc.
  2. Allweil, Y., “An Architectural History of Housing in Israel-Palestine, 1860-2011”, Eshkolot Project with Hungarian Cultural Center and Goethe Institute, Moscow, November 2019. Hosted by Simon Parizhski.
  3. Allweil, Y., “Homeland: Zionism as Housing Regime”, University of Newcastle, Australia. October 2019. Hosted by Professor Simon Springer.
  4. Allweil, Y., “An Architectural History of Housing in Israel-Palestine, 1860-2011”, University of Sydney, September 2019. Hosted by Professor Jennifer Ferng.
  5. Allweil, Y., “Homeland: Zionism as Housing Regime”, TUDelft. October 2019. Hosted by Professor Nelson Mota.
  6. Allweil, Y., and Ben-Asher Gietler I., “Timely Teaching: Modern Education and Modernist Architecture, Bauhaus at 100”, Bauhaus University, Weimar. October 2019. Hosted by Professor Ronny Schuller.
  7. Ben-Asher Gietler I., and Allweil, Y., “Modern Architecture for Education in Palestine/Eretz-Israel and Israel”, Leibniz-Institut für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur – Simon Dubnow, Leipzig, Germany. October 2019. Hosted by Professor Nicholas Berg.
  8. Allweil, Y., and Ben-Asher Gietler I., “The Role of Housing Research in Design, Preservation and Urban Regeneration”, Edinburgh University Department of Architecture and Urban Design. June 2017. Hosted by Professors Miles Glendinning and Ola Uduku.
  9. Allweil, Y., “Why Housing? Housing as Research Object and Mode of Inquiry,” Housing Roundtable, International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. August 2016. Hosted by Professor Gaia Caramellino, Chair of housing research group.

Invited University Lectures in Israel

  1. Allweil, Y., “Worker Housing as a Social Movement: Tel Aviv’s ‘Old North’ as a Worker City”, Martin Buber Society of Fellows, Hebrew University. February 2019. Hosted by Dr. Phillip Reich.
  2. Allweil, Y., “Why Housing? Zionism as Housing Regime”, Bar Ilan University. March 2019. Hosted by Professor Noah Efron.
  3. Allweil, Y., “Bauhaus Heritage and its Contemporary Challenges”, Martin Buber Society of Fellows, Hebrew University. May 2019. Hosted by Dr. David Kertai.
  4. Allweil, Y., “Future_ARChive: Developing a Digital Humanities Approach to Future Archiving”, Technion Center for Built Heritage, June 2019. Hosted by Professor Alona Nitzan-Shiftan.
  5. Allweil, Y., “Gehry’s Lou Ruvo Center in Las Vegas as a Housing Critique”, Technion Faculty of Architecture Colloquium. May 2018. Hosted by Professor Daniel Orenstein.
  6. Allweil, Y., “Homeland: Zionism as Housing Regime”, Geography Department, Hebrew University. November 2017. Hosted by Professor Eran Feitelson.
  7. Allweil, Y., “Social Commitment and Activism in Architecture and Planning”, Technion Social Hub for Dwelling and Community Workshop. May 2017. Hosted by Professor Rachel Kallus.
  8. Allweil, Y., “Plantation: Modern-Vernacular Housing and Settlement in Ottoman Palestine ,1860-1918”, Technion Faculty of Architecture Colloquium. May 2017. Hosted by Professor Daniel Orenstein.
  9. Allweil, Y., “Villa in the Jungle: Architectural Metaphors and Architectural Settings of the Israeli Place in the Middle East,” Discourse of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research Workshop, Harry S. Truman Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. January 2014. Hosted by Professor Menahem Blondheim.
  10. Allweil, Y., “Housing as Nexus of National Conflict,” Lecture for Cadets of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Harry S. Truman Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. August 2013. Hosted by Professor Menahem Blondheim.
  11. Allweil, Y., “Architecture and Conflict: Use of Housing for Mitigating Zionist Ideology and Violence Involved in its Materialization.” Hein Foundation Symposium, Truman Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. November 2013. Hosted by Professor Menahem Blondheim.
  12. Allweil, Y., “Home-Land: Zionism as a Regime of Housing 1909-2005.” Living Machine Symposium, Tel Aviv University Azrieli School of Architecture. December 2010. Hosted by Professor Eran Neuman.

Presenting papers

International Conferences

24. Allweil, Y., and Regev., N., “Impact! Mass Housing as the Cornerstone of Bauhaus Contribution to Future Design Methods”, Impact! From Bauhaus to IKEA Conference, Sydney, October 2019.

25. *Zemer, N., and Allweil Y., “Socio-Spatial Dynamics in Cooperative Housing: A Brutalist Estate as Shared and Contested Home for a Community”, The Social Dimension of Social Housing, TU Vienna, September 2019.

25. *Cohen, S. and Allweil, Y., “Displacement & Domesticity: Shared residence of care workers and elderly people”, Displacement & Domesticity since 1945 Conference, Brussels, March 2019.

26. Allweil, Y., “Worker Housing as a Cultural Product: Tel Aviv’s ‘Old North’ as a Worker City”, Association of Jewish Studies, Boston, December 2018.

27. Allweil, Y., “Both City and Village: The West Bank “Communal Settlement” as bridging the Rural-Urban Divide (1967–2005)”, IASTE 2018, Coimbra, September 2018.

28. Allweil, Y., and *Alexandowicz, O., “Using GIS and Computer-Vision for Architectural and Urban History: Classifying architectural visual (big)data Tel Aviv-Jaffa”, ESSHC 2018, Belfast April

29. Allweil, Y., “Gehry’s Las Vegas Lou Ruvo Center as a Housing Critique”, History’s Theory Conference, Brussels, February 2017.

30. Allweil, Y., “Counterculture Housing as Civil Intervention: Tel Aviv’s Arlozorov Homeless Camp as Architectural and Civilian Laboratory”, Society of Architectural Historians, Glasgow, April

31. Allweil, Y. “Today’s Child is Tomorrow’s State: Kibbutz Beit Alpha’s Children’s House as Modern Institution”, DoCoMoMo International Conference, Lisbon, September 2016.

32. Allweil, Y., “Tent: Uncanny Architecture of Israel-Palestine,” Society of Architectural Historians, Chicago, IL., April 2015.

33. Allweil, Y. “‘They Kill, We Build’: Neoliberal and Structural Violence and the Transformation of Zionist Housing Ethos,’ European International Relations Association Conference, Sicily, September 2015.

34. Allweil, Y., “‘Housing Before Street’: Geddes’ 1925 Modern Urban Planning for Tel Aviv as Disruption  of  the  Dichotomy Between Top-Down Planners-Ideologues and Bottom-Up  Urban Citizens”  Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 2014, Tempe, FL

35. Allweil, Y., “Negotiating Public Spaces in the ‘World City’: The Interplay of City, Nation and the Global as Overlapping Spatial Oeuvres on Tel Aviv’s Shoreline.” ACSA 102nd Annual Meeting: GLOBALIZING ARCHITECTURE, April 2014, Miami Beach, FL. Appeared in

36. Allweil, Y., “Place-Based Citizenship? Surprising Proposals for Dwelling and Citizenship by Jewish and Palestinian Israelis, 2011 Mass Housing Protests and Beyond.” Place, (Dis)Place and Citizenship Conference, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, March 2014. Appeared in

37. Allweil, Y., “‘Housing Before Street’: Geddes’ 1925 Plan for Tel Aviv and its Anarchist Disruption of the Dichotomy Between Top-Down Planners-Ideologues and Bottom-Up Urban Citizens.” European Association of Historians Network Conference, Torino, Italy. June 2014. Appeared in proceedings.

38. Allweil, Y., “‘They Kill, We Build’: West Bank Settlements and the Transformation of Zionist Housing Ethos,” IASTE International Conference, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, December 2014.

39. Allweil, Y., “Asian Urban Modernity? Geddes’ Plans for the Asian Cities of Tel Aviv and Indore as Disruptions of the European Dichotomy Between Top-Down Planners-Ideologues and Bottom-Up Urban Citizens”, Docomomo International, Seoul, Korea, October 2014. Appeared in proceedings.

40. Allweil, Y., “Palestinian Peasant Housing in Response to the 1958 Ottoman Land Privatization Code: The ‘New Native’ Nationalism of the Palestinian Peasantry, and the Ayan Myth of Tradition.” IASTE Conference, University of Portland, Oregon. October

41. Allweil, Y., “Building a Home-Land: Israel as a Regime of Housing, 1870-2005.” Rethinking Jewish Nationalism Conference, UCLA Center for Jewish Studies. January 2011. Appeared in proceedings.

42. Allweil, Y., “Beyond the Spatial Turn: Architectural History at the Intersection of the Social Sciences and Built Form.” Spaces of History / Histories of Space conference, UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design. May 2010. Appeared in proceedings.

43. Allweil, Y., “Israeli Regimes of Housing as Means to Produce Nation, Identity and Citizens-Subjects 1948-2005.” European Association of Historians Network Conference, Portugal. June 2010. Appeared in proceedings.

44. Allweil, Y., “The Space of Home-land as an Agent of Identity, Nationality and Citizenship: Case Study of Israel and its Israeli-Palestinian Community.” American Association of Geographers conference, Las Vegas. March 2009.

45. Alleril, Y., “The Space of Home-land as an Agent of Identity, Nationality and Citizenship: Israel’s regime of housing and its Arab/Palestinian Community”. The Postcolonial City: Making Urban Homes, Stanford University Center for the Humanities. October 2009.

46. Allweil, Y., “Resisting Masculinity: Appropriation of Public Spaces in Tel Aviv by Gay and Female Communities.” Sustainable Spaces for Gender Symposium, Department of Geography, Zurich University. May 2007.

47. Allweil, Y., “Public Space Heterotopias of Masculinity.” EAAE conference The Rise of Heterotopia, K.U. Louven University, Belgium. May 2005. Appeared in proceedings.

In Israel

48. *Date, K. and Allweil, Y. “Designing Archives”, Design-Tech International Conference, Technion, June 2016.

49. Allweil, Y., “Space Time and Architecture: Revisited”, Space, Time and Space-Time conference, Edelstein Center for History and Philosophy of Science, Hebrew University. October 2015.

50. Allweil, Y., “Seven Puzzles of Conflict and the Built Environment,” Harry S. Truman Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Annual Research Conference. October 2013.

51. Allweil, Y., “‘New Native’ Palestinian Housing: Peasant Housing as the Backdrop for Palestinian Proto- Nationalism, 1858-1948.” IAS Conference, University of Haifa, July 2012.

52. Allweil, Y., “The Expertise of Methodological Eclecticism: Inter-Disciplinarity and Para- Architectures.” Expertise – Media Specificity and Interdisciplinarity Conference, Department of Arts, Tel Aviv University. May 2009.

53. Allweil, Y. Israeli Geographical Association Conference, Tel Aviv University. “Urban and Cultural Segregation of Israeli Space and the Typology of the Ghetto, B.Arch. Diploma Project.” March 2001.

Organizing conferences


  1. EAUH Conference Panel: “Beyond the Camp: The Unbounded Architecture and Urbanism of Refugees”, European Association of Urban History, Rome. With Eliana Abu Hamdi – Murchie. August 2018.
  2. EAHN Conference Panel: “Spaces for children as ‘citizens of the future’ in the service of 20th century political ideology”, European Architecture History Network, Tallinn. With Alexandra June 2018. Panel papers will appear as a special issue of Childhood in the Past Journal in 2020, guest edited by Allweil and Allegre.
  3. EAUH Conference Panel: “Worker Housing and the Shaping of the 20th Century City”, European Association of Urban History, Helsinki. With Gaia Caramellino. August 2016.
  4. SAH Conference Panel: “Housing at the Intersection of Architecture, Planning, and Social Reform”, 68th annual meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Chicago, IL. With Rachel Kallus. April
  5. AAG Conference Panel: “Housing as Social Experiment: Rethinking the Legacy of Modernist Planning Outside Europe, 1900-1950”, Association of American Geographers AAG Conference, Tempe, FL. With Cecilia Chu. April 2014.
  6. Conference Scientific and Stirring Committee: Spaces of History / Histories of Space: Emerging Approaches to the Study of the Built Environment International Conference, College of Environmental Design University of California, Berkeley. With Cecilia Chu, Clare Robinson, Tiago Castela and Huey Ying Hsu. May

In Israel

  1. Co-Organizer: ‘Re-Theorizing Housing Workshop’, Technion November 27-30, 2019. IIAS and COST MCMH.
  2. Co-Organizer: ‘The Terms of Habitation conference‘, IIAS Jerusalem and Technion, April 20-24, 2019.
  3. Co-Organizer:Landscapes of the Modern Movement’ symposium, Israel in collaboration with Landscape Architecture Department, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion. May 2019.
  4. Organizer: Aba Elhanani 2017 research symposium “Architecture and Israeli Identity”, Faculty of Architecture, Technion. June 19,
  5. Israel inaugurating symposium ‘Ideal(istic) Education: Modernism and Educational Buildings’, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion. May  2016.
  6. Organizer: Conference and ‘Model Home’ Design Marathon: Housing as Revolutionary  Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Techinon. May
  7. Organizer: Second ‘Model Home’ Design Marathon at the Second Social Congress, Tel Aviv Academy, November
  8. Conference Organizing and Scientific Committees: History in Conflict Symposium, hosting EAHN: European Architectural History Network Executive Board, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Techinon. April
  9. Conference Scientific Committee: On the verges of Modernism –Jewish contributions to local architectures International Conference, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Techinon. Conference Chair: Dr. Marina Epstein-Pliousch. March 2014.
  10. Workshop Scientific and Stirring Committee: Architecture and Space: Interdisciplinary Views. Workshop on Critical Research in Architectural History and Theory. Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion. With colleagues Tzafrir Feinholz and Liat Brix-Etgar. Advisors: Professor Alona Nitzan-Shiftan and Dr. Eran Neuman. May 2005.