Dr. Ora Bloom (PhD Tel Aviv University)
When Housing Meets Epidemiology: Cross-national rethinking of housing policies and architecture in anticipation of future pandemics
Dr. Kartikeya Date (PhD UC Berkeley)
Future ARChive: Developing Digital History Capabilities for Visual Data of the Built Environment using Methods of Computer Vision.
Doctoral researchers
Avi Mayer
Knowledge Transfer in Urban Planning between Israel and India: Chandigarh and Ashdod Urban Plans
Dana Silverstein Duani
Tel Aviv Postmodernism: The Influence of the Paradigm Shift in the Approach to Institutional Planning and Urban Design on the City’s Facades of the 1980s and 1990s.
Dana presented her research at “Histories of Urban Design” in ETH Zürich (2021), and in the 4th Annual International Symposium of the Built Heritage Research Center at the Technion (2022). Dana will present her research in SACRPH 2022 and in IASTE 2022 in Singapore.
Winner of the research prize for Cross-PI Collaboration in Data Science in funding of PBC (VATAT) 2021.
Hagit Levi
Aging in Place: Reconsidering Housing for the Retired Population, Case Study of Israel. Winner of the Aba Elhanani Research Award in Israeli Architecture 2019.
Keren Ben-Hilell
Keren Ben Hilell is an Artist, Curator, and Architectural environment historian. Her current research, “Haifa’s Petroleumscape; Transformation of the Petroleumscape in Haifa Bay and its Permeability to all aspects of life,” deals with the development of Haifa’s Petroleumscape through two hundred years of modernization. Her research deals with the penetration of fossil fuel materials to Palestine, the establishment of its industry at Haifa’s bay, and the spatial, cultural, and conscious influences of this industry.
Merryan Majerovitch
Mass-Production Housing: Replication of Residential Environments in Israel in the Neoliberal Era.
Merryan is a Fellow at the Azrieli Society of Fellows. She presented her research at AESOP 2019 in Venice, as well as the IAS 2019 in Kinneret.
Masters students
Veronica Yahel
Flexibility in Housing as a Cope Mechanism to Extreme Situations Such as Pandemics: Housing complexes in Israel during Covid-19
Shachar Beer
Who is Planning Spaces for the Public? The Influence of Neoliberal Trends and Privatization on the Architecture and Urban Planning of Public Buildings in Israel
Etti Hannina
Loose Ends: The Space Between as Catalyst for Urban Renewal
Liran Duani-Huri
Privatizing the Historic Role of Housing: Government-supported social settlers’ groups in Israel
Noa Zemer-Sofer
Brutalism and Community? Reconsidering Brutalist Heritage at Tel Aviv’s Beit-Be’eri Housing Estate.
Noa presented her research at AESOP 2019 in Venice, as well as the IAS 2019 in Kinneret. Fellow at the Vienna International Summer School “The Social Dimension of Social Housing”, summer 2019.
Winner of a Citation of Special Recognition by the Aba Elhannai Award in Israeli Architecture 2019.
Winner of Best Thesis Award, 2022.
Winner of Technion High Honors for masters garduates, 2022.
Two journal papers, together with Yael Allweil, was published by Urban Planning Journal.
Yael Engelhard
YONA and the Development of the Connection between Architecture and Computing.
Co-supervised. Principal supervisor Aaron Sprecher
Dr. Or Alexandrowicz (PhD University of Vienna)
Developing digital history capabilities for visual data of the built environment using methods of computer vision.
Current position: Technion Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Dr. Shelly Cohen (PhD Tel Aviv University)
The Domestic Arena of Care: Shared Residence of Elderly Women and Female Care Workers.
Current position: Tel Aviv Department of Architecture